Expert Support to Simplify Your Separation & Divorce.

Embark on a guided journey toward a thriving future as we offer expert tailored support and empathy, strategically navigating your separation and divorce to simplify the process and achieve your best outcomes.




A bright future begins with a well-planned, streamlined, and collaborative separation and divorce.

Are you feeling overwhelmed with these challenges?
Does this feel familiar?

  • Emotional distress
  • Navigating parenting negotiations
  • Financial concerns
  • Limited accommodation options
  • Being heard and understood
  • Making informed decisions
  • Pet custody
  • Life after separation
  • Career impact

Your experience matters deeply to us.

You are empowered to have clarity and confidence to achieve your best outcomes

Divorce Coach

More informed

Breaking through the weeds to focus on the situation and factually communicate informed decisions brings fast, cost effective, and positive results, while avoiding costly mistakes.

Separation Support

More empowered

People who overcome emotional distress, and who are heard and understood are empowered to negotiate and communicate with confidence to achieve their best outcomes.

Separation Support

More opportunities

People who have the tools to achieve a resolution have less stress in their daily lives and an easier and more successful transition to a brighter future. This is how you thrive.

Andrea Hooper, Divorce Coach
Meet Andrea, your divorce coach and separation specialist

At Simplify, we can help you thrive through your strategic Separation & Divorce journey and beyond

We know your situation and your challenges as you navigate the logistics and emotions of separation and divorce. We have lived it and felt it.

We’ve been through the stress and worry which comes with separating from a partner, and the overwhelm, confusion, exhaustion, and at times panic, and the additional stressors caused by an uncertain future.

How do you navigate and simplify the complexities and emotional challenges of separation, divorce, and change and achieve your best outcomes without making costly mistakes?

The Simplify Way

It’s the way we strategically approach your situation which aligns your needs with a streamlined and fast-tracked process

Support During Divorce

Our Aim

  • To be your biggest supporter
  • To advocate and capture key discussion points and decisions
  • Providing tailored next step options
  • Simplifying your journey
Divorce Support Online

Your results

  • Making clear and informed decisions
  • Supported at lawyer and accountant meetings
  • Options for accommodation, legal, lending, financial, accounting, utilities, and childcare services
  • Equipped for a brighter future
Simplify: Navigating the legal process with expert guidance in Australia

What will it be like to work with Simplify?

1:1 Coaching
& Counselling
Logistical Support 

& Planning

& Divorce Strategy

Person-Centred Strategy and Support for a clear pathway toward resolution and best outcomes

Divorce Support Online


Simplify’s 1:1 expert coaching and counselling sessions provide you with time and space so you can build emotional resilience, refine your mindset, define your best outcomes, visualise your future, and move forward with confidence. Your own Internal Advocate.


Inspired Action

Navigate your journey with Simplify by your side, offering continuous access through our popular packages to our expert emotional and logistical support, ensuring the successful implementation of your personalised plan. We are on your team, and here when you need us.

Divorce Coach

Empowered Future

Your separation and divorce will not define you. We support you to strategically prepare for your transition to a brighter life of independence, hope, freedom, and opportunity. We support career planning, financial goals, and navigating the world of dating. Also offering you access to our extensive network of post-divorce resources to make your transition smoother.

How Simplify supports your Lawyer

Simplify handles many non-legal aspects of separation and divorce, allowing Family, Relationship, and Divorce Lawyers to focus on the legal process more efficiently, saving you time and money.

Simplify will guide you with empathy to turn the emotional side of divorce into the business of divorce. This is a time when many clients experience a gap between where they are and where they want to be. Simplify will support you at your lawyer meetings and you will feel prepared and ready to make informed decisions to close this gap.

The Simplify Engagement Framework collaborates with Divorce, Family, and Relationship Lawyers to provide holistic client support, aiming for non-combative and positive resolutions. We help you to stay above the line and out of the weeds.

We know that each separation and divorce is as unique as the individuals involved. That's why we offer comprehensive support that's tailored to your specific needs.

Our team of experienced coaches and counsellors are here to provide you with a compassionate, informed, judgment-free space where you can freely express your thoughts and concerns. We collaborate with you to set and achieve strategic goals specific to your situation to reduce confusion and trauma. We're here to listen, understand, and assist you to effectively reach outcomes that positively impact your life, now and into the future. It is your time to thrive.

Support During Divorce

How Simplify supports your Career and your Workplace

At Simplify, we understand the challenges that separation and divorce can have on your career, and how it can impact you in your workplace. Our mission is to ease this transition for you while offering educational and coaching support to your leaders and your organisation.

  • Emotional support and logistical guidance to reduce the need for personal leave
  • Supportive advocacy and communication with your employer for deeper understanding
  • Tailored Leadership workshops in your workplace for Supportive Management
  • Customised separation and divorce support programs for your broader organisation

Simplify is committed to bolstering your emotional wellbeing and supporting your career while collaborating with your organisation as needed. We are here to reduce your career disruption and support your workplace to better support you.

How it works

3 Simple Steps to Simplify and Fast-track your Separation and Divorce

"Simplify: Find support and community during separation and divorce in Australia.

Schedule a no-cost Discovery Call

Breaking through the weeds to focus on the situation and factually communicate informed decisions brings fast, cost effective, and positive results, while avoiding costly mistakes.

implify: Strategic financial planning for separation and divorce in Australia.

Tailor Your Plan and Choose Your Simplified Package

Our passion is to support your chosen legal process with the right non-legal supports at the times you need them the most.

Separation Coach

First, we collaborate to create your tailored plan that fits your specific needs and situation.

Divorce Coach

Next you choose your flexible simplified package to keep you on track towards your best outcomes.

Simplify: Prioritising family well-being during separation and divorce.

Experience a streamlined journey and feel future ready

Discover how a well-planned journey with continuous expert support can transform your experience and lead to a successful resolution.

Separation Support

Live your fulfilling and thriving life after separation and divorce. We can help you plan that too!

Our clients want you to hear about their transformative Simplify separation and divorce experiences.

Andrea became a pillar of emotional support, helping me build resilience and confidence in myself during moments of doubt and uncertainty. Her coaching to communicate effectively allowed me to navigate the process with the right mindset through to the end. She worked well with my lawyer and kept me focussed and on track.

Andrea is an amazing visionary, who is always striving to go beyond any perceived limitations set by others. I enjoyed working with somebody so dedicated to her purpose and the purpose of others.

In every step of this challenging journey, Andrea was not just a professional guiding me through, she was a compassionate ally who genuinely cared about my well-being. Thanks to her expertise, I emerged from this experience emotionally resilient, and financially savvy.

Because you shouldn’t go this alone

You need the right support to overcome your emotional distress and frustrations and create a plan to prioritise and work through your biggest challenges and blocks. But going this alone with limited non-legal support, or by leaning heavily on family and friends can cost you and your loved one’s time, money, and stress.

Get the experts you need who will support, listen, plan, and closely communicate with you through your entire journey and who will take your problems seriously to help you solve them quickly to achieve your best outcomes.

Choose your experience, reduce the stress, and make your thriving and independent future a faster reality.

Simplify are changing the face of separation and divorce. Join our clients in being a part of this revolution.

We know that each separation and divorce is as unique as the individuals involved. That's why we offer comprehensive support that's tailored to your specific needs.

Our team of experienced coaches and counsellors are here to provide you with a compassionate, informed, judgment-free space where you can freely express your thoughts and concerns. We collaborate with you to set and achieve strategic goals specific to your situation to reduce confusion and trauma. We're here to listen, understand, and assist you to effectively reach outcomes that positively impact your life, now and into the future. It is your time to thrive.

Simplify: Building trust and partnership for a successful separation.

The Simplify Separation & Divorce Method


Define Your Future


Plan Your Path


Stay the Course

By flexibly integrating these three powerful pillars of the Simplify Separation & Divorce Method -Vision, Strategy and Commitment - you can navigate your separation and divorce with clarity, purpose, and resilience, leading to a successful transition into the next chapterof your lfe.


Understanding the Process

What is the difference between separation and divorce?

Separation is a period of living apart while still legally married. Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage.

Do I need a lawyer during separation?

A lawyer isn't always necessary during separation. However, we strongly recommend consulting a lawyer to understand your legal rights and options, especially if you have children or complex assets and do not have an amicable separation.

Are there other legal options?

Yes, there are Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) options such as Collaborative law for separating couples. This is a more cost effective process where both partners and their collaboratively trained lawyers work together outside of court to find solutions that meet everyone's needs. A negotiation mindset is critical, and there are clauses with this option. Additionally, parents can seek child-inclusive or child-focused mediation to help with the separation. These forms of mediation help parents to focus on the needs of their children.

How long does separation typically last?

There is no set timeframe for separation. It can be a temporary period of reflection or a stepping stone towards financial settlement and divorce.

What is a do-it-yourself legal separation?

A DIY legal separation is a process by which a couple navigates the legal dissolution of their marriage without hiring a lawyer. We recommend separating couples seek qualified financial and legal advice before taking this approach. Simplify can support your through your DIY legal separation process.

Co-parenting and Children

How can I create a healthy co-parenting relationship with my ex?

Prioritising your children's well-being is critical. It is important to foster open communication, mutual respect, and cooperation with your co-parent. Strategies such as a co-parenting plan and attending co-parenting counselling ensures your children are a priority.

When should I seek professional help for my children during separation?

Children of parents who are separating or divorcing report that they do not feel heard, are not asked for input into their needs and wants, and often feel excluded from decision-making. Watch for signs of distress in your children. Early intervention and support can make a significant difference in a child's mental health and overall well-being. There are many options available.

How can I talk to my children about separation in an age-appropriate way?

We acknowledge the difficulty of talking to children about separation. It is important to provide loving reassurance, address their emotional needs, and keep age-appropriate communication open and honest. There are many effective strategies which include using clear, simple language they can understand, lovingly reassure them that it's not their fault, and maintain regular routines and schedules as much as possible to provide stability.

Financial Concerns

How will I manage my finances during separation?

It is important to create a realistic budget that outlines your income and expenses for both you and your ex-partner, understand your financial obligations, and explore options for dividing assets. Simplify can provide you with the right support so you feel financially empowered.

How can I protect my financial future during separation?

Consider consulting a qualified and experienced financial advisor specialising in separation and divorce to assist with asset valuation, division, and creating a pre and post-separation financial plan.

How do I know my financial situation?

Collect bank and superannuation statements, tax returns, and investment records to gain a clear picture of your overall financial situation. If you do not have access to online banking, you can attend your bank in person to ask for statements of accounts in your name.

Emotional Wellbeing

How can I cope with the emotional challenges of separation?

Separation can be emotionally draining and overwhelming. It is important to identify and validate your feelings in a healthy way. Techniques like journalling, relaxation exercises, and talking to trusted friends or family can help you navigate this challenging time.

How can I look after my health while going through a separation?

Self-care is crucial for staying resilient, and to heal. Prioritise activities you enjoy, like spending time in nature, pursuing hobbies, or simply getting enough sleep. Ensure you visit your GP who can support your physical, emotional, and mental health.

What are some positive aspects of moving forward after separation?

While acknowledging the challenges, there are opportunities for growth and self-discovery that can emerge from separation. These silver linings include building resilience, self-reflection, and the chance to reimagine your future with optimism.

Who can I reach out to for support during separation?

It is critical to have a strong support network where possible. This can be many or a select few. We suggest reaching out to loved ones, joining support groups (online or in-person), or seeking professional support from your GP, a Psychologist, Counsellor and/or Divorce Coach / Separation Specialist.

Simplify's Approach

What makes Simplify Separation & Divorce different?

We offer a non-legal holistic, practical, and strategic approach which encompasses support for the above FAQ’s. We provide emotional support, coaching, and logistical guidance, all tailored to your unique needs. We are excited to be a part of the changing face of family law where kindness and collaboration is encouraged.

Do you offer different service options?

Yes, we offer a variety of tailored packages to fit your needs, budget, and situation.

How can I get started with Simplify Separation & Divorce?

Contact us today via the Simplify website (, any of our social media pages, or email directly, to schedule a no-cost strategy call and discuss your specific situation. We're here to help you navigate separation with clarity, kindness, confidence, and support.

What are the benefits of working with a divorce coach and separation specialist?

The benefits of working with a divorce coach and separation specialist include gaining clarity on your goals, developing coping and communication strategies, advocacy at lawyer and accountant meetings, support at mediation and court, and navigating the emotional and logistical challenges of separation.

This includes but is certainly not limited to guidance to source accommodation and re-location logistics, budgeting support, childcare, and responding to legal correspondence, and how to communicate with your ex and their extended family, and your mutual friends. Our services are tailored to your exact needs, with no stone unturned ensuring you are empowered and confident to plan and move towards your bright future.

Are your services offered to anyone, anywhere in Australia?

Yes, our services are available nationally and internationally. At Simplify Separation & Divorce, we pride ourselves on our inclusive culture and passionately support the LGBTQA+ community, CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) communities, people with disabilities, and any associated organisations. We are committed to providing accessible and compassionate support to all individuals, regardless of their background or location. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has the resources and guidance they need to navigate their separation and divorce journey with confidence and care.